News & Events – Recent Cases and Activities of Robert C. Bonsib, Esq.
A TOP Maryland Criminal Lawyer (“Super Lawyers”)
“Best Lawyers in America”-
Washingtonian Magazine. Top Lawyers – Recognized as among the “Best of the Best” in its Hall of Fame
Over 45 years of courtroom trial experience with over 350 jury trials
Former federal and state prosecutor (1974-90);
Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers;
Recipient of Maryland State Bar Association’s Heeney Award for Lifetime Excellence in Criminal Law –
Daily Record Power List of Maryland Criminal Lawyers
As his case summaries illustrate, Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. is one of the most active criminal trial and appellate lawyers in the area. Whether in the local trial courts handling a homicide, sexual assault, DUI or domestic assault case or in the federal court presenting a defense in a complex white collar or narcotics or before an appellate court, Maryland criminal lawyer Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. is at home in the federal and local trial and appellate courts in Maryland and the District of Columbia.
In addition to his active criminal defense practice, Mr. Bonsib frequency writes and instructs other Maryland criminal lawyers and law enforcement professionals on recent developments in federal and state criminal law. He is also often asked to serve on court and bar association committees and is regularly consulted by the local media on matters of public interest in the field of criminal law. To learn more, please contact Robert C .Bonsib, Esq. on his cell at 301-509-5100 or by email.
In some these cases, Mr. Bonsib was successful in winning acquittals or the dismissal of charges for his clients. While an outright acquittal or dismissal is the best of all possible results, in some cases the evidence may be such that the likelihood of success at trial is minimal and that it is in the best interest of a client to seek the most favorable sentence. In many cases, success is measured by the degree to which a favorable disposition can be negotiated or by the extent to which a client’s sentence was able to be minimized or modified.
Mr. Bonsib regularly is in trial defending clients in cases in the federal and Maryland trial and appellate courts. The cases reviewed are representative of the experience Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. has in representing clients in a wide variety of cases . Mr. Bonsib takes pride in the fact that he is sought out to assist those who expect and demand a trial even in those instances where there is a recognition that the trial will be an uphill battle and the chances of success slim.
In some instances, where the prosecution does not make an offer that provides a client a chance at a significantly better result that which might happen after an unsuccessful trial, Mr. Bonsib has demonstrated that he will fight those tough fights and not “roll over” simply to avoid a trial and he will fight for his client under the most challenging of factual circumstances. Mr. Bonsib has tried numerous federal criminal jury trials and state jury trials throughout Maryland and the District of Columbia, in addition to handling numerous non-jury matters and appeals before the Maryland Court of Special Appeals and the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
To discuss representation, please call Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. at 301-509-5100 or by email.
Mid-trial Dismissal of Child Abuse Jury Trial in Montgomery County, Maryland
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. was retained by a physician who had been accused of child abuse. Mr. Bonsib was retained after a prior trial had resulted in a mistrial. In the retrial – after Mr. Bonsib had completed a half day cross-examination of the complainant who was now 30 years old (the complainant had alleged that the abuse occurred when she was in her teenage years) – and was half way through his cross-examination – the court recessed for lunch. When the prosecutors returned to the courtroom – they announced that the prosecution was dismissing the case with result that Mr. Bonsib’s client was found not guilty of all counts. In discussions with some of the jurors after the case was dismissed, jurors advised that after Mr. Bonsib’s extensive opening statement they were convinced that despite the nature of the charge – that there could be two-sides to the case and they withheld judgment. After Mr. Bonsib’s cross-examination, these juror made clear that they did not believe the allegations of the complainant . Mr. Bonsib’s team (Senior Associate Megan E. Coleman and paralegal Amy Bonsib) had spent extensive time in pre-trial preparation for the case which was critical is obtaining a successful result for his client. It is extraordinary for a prosecutor, particularly in a child abuse case, to dismiss a case mid-trial.
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. enjoys an acquittal with a young man and his family after federal jury returned a not guilty verdict for assault on a federal officer.
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Not Guilty Verdicts in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County Murder Prosecutions
Prince George’s County
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq.’s client was found not guilty of murder charges in a jury trial in Prince George’s County in a case where a number of individuals were involved in a street shooting where over 40 shots were fired. Although Mr. Bonsib’s client was present in the area of, and at the time of the shooting, he contended was not involved in the shootings.
Baltimore City
After a four-day jury trial, in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, a jury found Mr. Bonsib’s client not guilty of 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, manslaughter and use of a firearm. In this trial, the prosecution presented a street surveillance video which recorded Mr. Bonsib’s client shooting another individual as that individual approached Mr. Bonsib’s client who was seated in the passenger seat of a parked vehicle Mr. Bonsib’s client testified that he feared being shot by the individual approaching his vehicle and shot in self-defense.
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. and Paralegal Amy Bonsib leaving Baltimore CIty Circuit Court after jury acquits client of murder
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After an earlier trial that resulted in a mistrial, Robert C. Bonsib, Esq., was retained to represent this individual at the second trial. Mr. Bonsib’s client was charged with sexually abusing his daughter. After a half of a day of cross-examination of the daughter by Mr. Bonsib – and with the cross-examination only half-completed, the trial was recessed for the lunch break. After returned from the break, the prosecution stood up and announced to the court that it was dismissing all counts in the case resulting in Mr. Bonsib’s client being found not guilty of all counts and entitling his client to have his record expunged.
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After lengthy proceedings Mr. Bonsib’s 17 year old client was found not guilty of attempted first degree murder and all related counts. This case began with Mr. Bonsib’s client being charged as an adult for attempted first and second degree murder and a series of related counts. After a lengthy hearing Mr. Bonsib successfully argued that his client’s case should be transferred to the juvenile court. The matter then proceeded to trial in the juvenile court. In the juvenile court, Mr. Bonsib’s client was found not guilty of all charges.
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. participates in conference instructing judges visiting from Argentina on the jury system in the United States
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Super Lawyers names Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. as one of the top 10 lawyers in Maryland and one of the top 100 lawyers in the District of Columbia
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Since 2006 Best Lawyers in America ranks Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. as among the best white-collar and non-white collar criminal defense lawyers and awards him the (“Best Criminal Lawyer – 2019) recognition.
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Fellow, American College Of Trial Lawyers
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. has been a Fellow in the American College of Trial Lawyers for over a decade. The American College of Trial Lawyers is a prestigious national organization of trial lawyers whose membership is limited to the top 1 percent of the nation’s trial lawyers. Fellowship in the College is extended by invitation only, after careful investigation, to those experienced trial lawyers who have master the art of advocacy and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct and professionalism.
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. and Megan E. Coleman, Esq. receive President’s Award from the Prince George’s County Bar Association for the series of legal articles they publish on a monthly basis for the Prince George’s County Bar Association
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. speaks to press after client charged with murder in fatal house fire is ordered released on bond
Click here for video Fatal House Fire Press Conference
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. & MarcusBonsib, LLC Senior Associate Megan E. Coleman, Esq. present training program to Anne Arundel County Assistant State’s Attorneys on Maryland Rules of Evidence
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. is regularly requested to provide instruction on a variety of subjects to law enforcement officers, judges, prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys. Here Mr. Bonsib and his paralegal, Amy Bonsib, are with a University of Maryland Police Department cadet class after a half-day program presented by Mr. Bonsib and Ms.Bonsib.
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. speaking about a recent federal trial in the United States District Court in Baltimore
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. outside Montgomery County courthouse discussing his representation of a substitute teacher accused of misconduct (March 2018)
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. Comments on CNN on Trump Obstruction of Justice Investigation
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Child Pornography Investigations & Prosecutions (June 2017)
Blog by Robert C. Bonsib, Esq.
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq., comments on CNN on the Comey firing.
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. Presentations To Young Lawyers
Maryland State Bar Association – Young Lawyers Meeting – Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. participated in a panel presentation on Competency and Criminal Responsibility with Charles County Circuit Judge Jay West, Charles County States Attorney Tony Covington, Calvert County Deputy States Attorney Kathryn Marsh, Dr. Teresa Grant and MSBA Young Lawyers (May 2017)
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. & Megan E. Coleman, Esq. instruct at Bar Association Educational Program – “Effective Opening Statements & Closing Arguments” (March 2017)
Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys – Practice Pointers on Proffer Agreements (Oct. 2015)
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Prince George’s County Basic Investigator’s School –
The Role of the Criminal Defense Attorney (May, 2015)
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Calvert County Bar Association – Courtroom Tips, Tricks & Tactics (Oct. 2015)
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Bruce L. Marcus, Esq. (middle left) and Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. (middle right) at January 2016 Reception by Washingtonian Magazine honoring it’s “Top Lawyers” – both Mr. Marcus and Mr. Bonsib were again recognized by Washingtonian Magazine as among the region’s best lawyers.
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MarcusBonsib, LLC hosts Department of State Delegations from 16 Countries for discussion of how the United States handles political corruption cases (March 2016)
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. Discusses with 60 Police Investigators the Role of a Criminal Defense Attorney (May 2015)
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. was invited to address approximately 60 criminal investigators on the role of a criminal defense attorney. This presentation included a discussion the importance of professionalism and fairness by criminal investigations, discussions of trial testimony and evidentiary principles important in preparation for court proceedings.
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. presented a Continuing Legal Education Lecture to Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys’ Association (October 2015)
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. presented a lecture to members of the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys’ Association discussing the legal and practical issues involved in proffer or cooperation discussions with prosecutors.
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. named best criminal defense lawyer for 2014 by “Best Lawyers in America”
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. representing FBI agent charged with tampering with evidence. (July, 2015)
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. interviewed on NBC4 News
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. Receives Award for Career as a Criminal Lawyer
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MarcusBonsib, LLC, Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary (2015)
Our attorneys
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Our attorneys and staff
Our attorneys, staff and spouses & significant others celebrating MarcusBonsib, LLC‘s 25th Anniversary
Very few small firms are able to reach 25 years of successful litigation practice. Marcusbonsib, LLC, was founded in 1990 by Bruce Marcus and Robert Bonsib. Marcus Bonsib, LLC and its attorneys and staff look forward to continuing to provide the highest quality representation to all of its clients
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. testifying before the Maryland General Assembly on behalf of the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys’ Association in support of proposed legislation to reform Maryland’s forfeiture laws.
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq., discusses Maryland’s electronic surveillance and wiretapping laws with Montgomery County state attorney John McCarthy on Montgomery County cable tv – February 28, 2014 – cable channel 21
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. Presents Course On The Law Of Constructive Possession At The Annual Alan Goldstein Criminal Law Seminar – March 29, 2014
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. with his client outside of the United States District Court in Greenbelt, Maryland after winning a mistrial in a four week mail fraud and obstruction of justice prosecution.
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Robert C. Bonsib’s opinion sought by local media in matters of public interest
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. Presenter At Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney Association Annual Training Seminar
In October, 2012, Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. and Megan E. Coleman, Esq. presented a training program to members of the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association on the issues relating the legal fees, forfeitures issues associated with legal fees and an attorney’s obligation to ensure that legal fees and fee agreements do not run afoul of an attorney’s ethical obligations and comply with federal money laundering and currency transaction reporting requirements.
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Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. Instructs Maryland Judges Regarding The Criminal Trial
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. was again asked to participate as an instructor at the Judicial Institute of Maryland. Together with two Circuit Court judges, he conducted a day-long training program – “The Conduct of a Criminal Trial” – for Maryland Circuit and District Court judges. This is the second time that Mr. Bonsib has been invited to present the day-long seminar to Maryland judges.
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Robert C. Bonsib Invited To Attend Judicial Conference For The Fourth Circuit Court Of Appeals
Robert C. Bonsib, Esq. has been invited by the United States District Court in Greenbelt, Maryland to attend, as a lawyer member, the annual judicial conference held by the Judicial Conference of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. This year’s conference with be held at the Wintergreen Resort. The featured speaker is Chief Justice John Roberts of the United States Supreme Court.